¿Quiere inscribir a un estudiante? Padres/Guardianes legales deben pedir una cita para la inscripción y deben completar los documentos requeridos. Por favor, siga este enlace
y haga clic en el botón verde que dice “Begin Online Registration” (Comenzar Inscripción En línea) que se encuentra debajo del “Step 4” (Paso número 4) en la parte baja del sitio web.
Para pedir una cita, por favor envíele un correo electrónico a nuestra secretaria de las inscripciones, Nina Parham en nina_parham@hcpss.org.
Transcript Request Forms & Process
Whether you plan to go to college, join the military, or head directly into the workforce, you may be asked to supply your high school transcripts.
Current HCPSS Students:
Requesting Transcripts for College Applications
Transcript Request Form - fillable
HCPSS uses Naviance to manage requests for transcripts, as well as to submit them to colleges and universities on behalf of current students. All current HCPSS high school students have an account in Naviance.
To request a transcript through Naviance:
Complete a Waiver of Rights and Release of Records form, granting HCPSS permission to release transcripts, including mid-year reports, letters by school based staff, and other student records to be released to a third party.
Select the college to which you are applying, the application deadline, and the type of application you are using.
Click “Add and Request Transcript.”
Repeat the process for all colleges/universities to which you are applying.
If you need transcripts as part of your college application, be aware of the following deadlines. Please note that these dates are the last possible day to complete your requests. Students are encouraged to submit all material as early as possible.
Keep in mind that transcripts will not be sent until:
You add the “Colleges I’m Applying To” tab in Naviance
The Common App is matched with Naviance
Your Common App schools are added to your Common App account
You can see the status of your transcript request by logging into Naviance and going to “Colleges I’m Applying” to Tab. It will show pending, submitted or downloaded by the college.
Requesting Transcripts for Purposes Other Than Applying to College
Students who need an official transcript for a purpose other than applying to college (i.e.: internship, scholarships, jobs, military, athletics) should visit their school’s Canvas page or speak directly to their school’s registrar. Hammond High School's registrators are Ms. Parham (nina_parham@hcpssp.org) & Ms. Banks (daishon_banks@hcpss.org).
Obtaining Unofficial Transcripts
Students can obtain unofficial transcripts by going to hcpss.me, logging into Synergy using their active directory, and looking under “report cards.”
HCPSS Graduates
If you graduated in the last 5 years: Please contact your high school to obtain your transcript.
If you graduated more than 5 years ago (2019 or earlier): Please complete the Post-Graduate Transcript Request Form. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for each transcript. Payments can be made via the Online Payment System.
NOTE: If the payer does not match the person whose transcript is being processed, PLEASE indicate the graduate’s name in the online payment system so we can match the payment with the request.
Transcripts will be sent upon receipt of online payment. Please allow 5-7 business days for your request to be processed.
For questions, please email student_transcripts@hcpss.org.
Student Service Validation form
Working collaboratively with students, parents, and staff, the school counselors and other student support staff of Hammond High School encourage students’ academic development, foster students’ personal and social growth, address students’ developmental needs, and facilitate communication throughout the Hammond High School community to help students realize and maximize their potential.
Upcoming SAT dates:
October 5th @ Hammond
November 2nd @ Hammond
(10-11th grades only)
October 16th
College & Career Finanial Aid Information
The school system does not carry medical insurance for accidents that occur at school, including non-sport related injuries, such as trips and falls, physical education injuries, and recess/playground injuries. Thus, parents are encouraged to enroll students in the accident insurance program offered through HCPSS.
Learn more about how to obtain accident insurance →
The Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (MCHIP) is available for families, pregnant women, and children in need of medical insurance. Applications are available through the school health assistant or by contacting the Howard County Health Department at 410-313-7500.