HCPSS recognizes the importance of providing a healthy learning environment for all students and staff members. In an effort to identify and correct conditions that may have an impact on air quality, HCPSS has established an Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) program that proactively maintains proper indoor environments and responds to community members' concerns.
The IEQ data provided below comes directly from the HCPSS IEQ site.
Submit an IEQ Concern
Complete the online IEQ Concern form to submit a concern about the indoor environmental quality of a HCPSS building or facility. The Office of the Environment addresses each concern by contacting the individual and performing an environmental assessment of the reported area.
Recently Published Concerns
Date | Location | Concern | Closed |
October 4th, 2018 Tracking Number: CXHAHS20190000C6 |
Various Areas | A leak occurred the night of March 25, 2019. A representative from Building Services arrived onsite the night of March 25, 2019 and assisted in delineating the area of impact and placing fans to begin the drying process. | Yes |
October 4th, 2018 Tracking Number: CXHAHS20190000AC |
Room 607 | At the beginning of the academic year in 2018, an individual had concerns regarding ventilation in Room 607. The room would get extremely hot and throughout September, the ventilation system was inspected inside of the room and outside the classroom to rectify the situation. At times the room still gets very warm. The individual is concerned about air quality and noted general health symptoms. The individual also had concerns with insects. | Yes |
October 4th, 2018 Tracking Number: CXHAHS2020000192 |
Rooms 215 and 216 | Construction Office contacted Office of Environment regarding mold growth on carpet. | Yes |
October 4th, 2018 Tracking Number: CXHAHS202000019D |
405, 604, 605, and 606 | A plumbing leak occurred on December 14, 2020 impacting Rooms 405, 604, 605, and 606. | Yes |
October 4th, 2018 Tracking Number: CXHAHS20210001DC |
Classrooms 6 and 12 in Portable Wing 267 | Mold growth found on a few pieces of furniture. | Yes |
Scheduled Walk-Throughs
Scheduled Walk-Throughs
January 24th, 2019
Tracking Number: WXHAHS2019000113 -
February 10th, 2021
Tracking Number: GXHAHS2021000032 -
August 17th, 2021
Tracking Number: GXHAHS202100006E -
August 19th, 2022
Tracking Number: GXHAHS20220000B6
The IEQ program includes system-wide scheduled and standardized walk-through reviews of each HCPSS school, conducted twice a year. The process is based off the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Indoor Air Quality recommendations for schools. One walkthrough is conducted by a school-based IEQ team of parents, staff, students, and community members, trained by the HCPSS Office of the Environment, to identify and report potential indoor environmental issues. The second walkthrough is performed by an HCPSS industrial hygienist, who assesses each school building, such as its mechanical equipment, areas above drop-ceilings, and the exterior.
IEQ Information From Previous School Years
All previously published IEQ concerns, reports from external contractors, and school walk-through reports for previous school years are archived on the IEQ Report Archive.
Water Quality Reports
In compliance with state regulations, HCPSS is testing all schools for the presence of lead in drinking water. Details on the testing schedule, procedures, etc., as well as test results and reports for individual schools can be found on the HCPSS website.