HaHS Parking Permits

We are pleased to announce that students will soon be able to acquire parking permits as we transition to a hybrid instructional model. With the A/B schedule that we will be following, we anticipate that it will afford us sufficient parking space to enable both seniors and juniors to obtain permits. Students will need to provide a copy of their driver’s license along with the completed parking permit application. The parking permit fee will be waived for this school year. Applications for parking permits will be available both online and in the front office. Also provided is a copy of the Parent-Teen Driving Agreement which you are encourage to review.

Students will park in the upper lot, closest to Guilford Road. 

Parking permits are required to be on display to park on school grounds during the school day. Failure to comply will result in administrative actions. Permits will be distributed based on the order submitted of the completed applications with accompanying materials. Please be aware, should the school system adopt a new revised schedule, we reserve the discretion to consider possible alternative options regarding parking availability should it become necessary.


Provided are some directions for what procedures to follow:

  •  Complete the parking permit application (No Application Fee Required)
  •  Provide a copy of student’s driver’s license
  •  Submit the application materials:
    • Submit them in person to Mr. Lerner
    • Email them to michael_lerner@hcpss.org

Parking Permit Application (Links to an external site.) 

Parent-Student Driving Agreement (Links to an external site.)