HCPSS Continuity of Learning Resources

Please visit the Continuity of Learning Resources page from HCPSS for the most up to date information.


A typical week for a secondary student will look this way:

On Monday morning, students will log into Canvas and receive their weekly assignments for all instructional areas.
Throughout the remainder of the week, students will have opportunities for live virtual check-ins with teachers.
The majority of each day will be designated as time for students to complete assignments.
Assignments will be turned in for feedback on Fridays.


Supporting Instruction at home

 Supporting Instruction at Home - Learn tips and suggestions to support your family in transitioning to a home-based learning environment 

Phase 2 

A staggered professional development schedule allows ample opportunity for needed training and support in preparation for students to begin remote learning. The simultaneous professional development of all instructional staff is not feasible so high school staff will be trained first, followed by middle and elementary staff. During this time, teachers on all levels are connecting and engaging students and families prior to the start of phase 3. Here are the planned windows when staff will receive training and have time to prepare instruction for phase 3:

March 30, 2020 – April 8, 2020: High school staff will receive training and have time to prepare to engage their students in learning opportunities
April 1–17, 2020: Middle school staff receive training and have time to prepare to engage their students in learning opportunities
April 3–24, 2020: Elementary school staff receive training and have time to prepare to engage their students in learning opportunities

Students and families will be focused on:

Assessing their technology needs and notifying staff of technology and access gaps.
Re-engaging with teachers.
Becoming familiar with the Canvas platform which will be leveraged in phase 3.
Developing a daily home schedule to prepare for daily engagement in learning opportunities for each student in the household.

Staff will be focused on:

Clarifying expectations on students and teaching staff.
Professional development on the technology tools being leveraged for engagement with students.
Setting up their online classrooms.
Preparing instructional materials and assignments to be provided digitally.
Re-engaging students and families.

Phase 3 

Students begin remote learning. The staggered approach aligns with necessary training for staff at each level and provides time to ensure staff and students have technological resources and training to implement this Phase.

April 14, 2020: High school students begin remote learning
April 20, 2020: Middle school students begin remote learning
April 27, 2020: Elementary school students begin remote learning if the closure is extended beyond April 24

Students and families will be focused on:

Implementing the daily home schedule for instruction.
Completing assignments provided every Monday for the week.
Connecting with each teacher one time weekly during scheduled times.

Staff will be focused on:

Implementation of a new instructional delivery model.
Delivering content and support based on state guidelines and requirements.
Continuous improvement to the delivery model to ensure all students are active and engaged learners.