2020-2021 Course Request Process

The scheduling window for the 2020-2021 school year will open on January 8, 2020.  During third period on January 8, 2020, each student will hear about the course request process and have the chance to attend an elective fair.  The complete course catalog is available HERE.  Students should refer to page 2 of the course catalog (Graduation Requirements), and page iii (Four Year High School Plan) near the back of the course catalog to help determine courses for next year.  Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by subject area in the course catalog. Refer to page 14 (General Information) of the course catalog for course level information.  

On January 8, 2020, you and your student will be able to view teacher course recommendations and make additional course selections for the 2020-2021 school year.  Students should access Synergy to input course selections.  Course selections must equal 7 credits. In addition, students must also choose 3 alternate courses in case one of their preferred courses is not available.  All course requests must be entered by January 17, 2020.

If you have concerns or disagree with any of the course recommendations, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor.  If you are still not satisfied with the recommendation, parents/guardians may complete the Course Placement Review Form online through their HCPSS Connect account.  This form must be completed by January 17, 2020 and must be completed by a parent/guardian on their ParentVUE account (HCPSS Connect).

We always encourage students to challenge themselves with Honors, GT and AP courses where appropriate.  However, students should be aware that any AP level class is a college level course, and is very rigorous.  Students need to make deliberate decisions about how many GT/AP classes to take each year, as well as how much work they can handle.  Students should strive to create balance in their life in order to reduce stress, while still choosing an academically rigorous schedule. Every student should consider taking a Career Academy, AP course and/or Dual Enrollment course before graduation! Talk to your counselor about options.

From January 28 through February 14, 2020, counselors will meet with students individually to finalize their course selections.

Course Requests

  • Students must enter their Course Requests for next year in StudentVUE in Synergy. Parents/Guardians cannot enter course requests for students. 
  • All Course Requests must be made by January 17th. It will lock after that date. 
  • Students must choose 7 courses and 3 alternate choices.
  • Once you have selected 7 course requests and 3 alternate choices, you must LOCK COURSE REQUESTS to submit. 
  • Students can request courses that are in the HCPSS Course Catalog
  • If you need any assistance, please see your Guidance Counselor in Student Services.
  • There is a short video embedded below that goes through this process.

Course Placement Review Form

Prior to this process, teachers submitted recommendations for graduation required courses for next year (i.e Your English teacher recommended you for your next year's English class).  They made these recommendations based on conversations with you and your progress in their current class. If you feel their recommendation is not accurate, have a conversation with your teacher and/or guidance counselor. If you still feel the recommendation is not correct, a parent/guardian can submit a Course Placement Review  through their ParentVUE account.

Please use the resources/links below to support you and your student in completing the course registration process this year:

Online video tutorial for Students

Supplemental Directions for Students HCPSS105 Online Course Requests

Online video tutorial for Parents on CPR form

Course Placement Review Form Directions for Parents

2020-2021 Course Catalog

Please contact your counselor should you have additional questions about course selection:

A – Em       Ms. Ryan Fuentes

En - Lam    Mrs. Margaret Shomali

Lan - P       Ms. Kasey Quinn 

Q- Z           Mrs. Lisa Sivell

9th grade   Mr. Alex Kosisky