AP Exam Payment Info and FAQs

AP Exam Payment Information:

Payment deadline is April 16th by 3 pm

April 15th evening payment drop off will be 5-6:30pm

Payment is due for all exam sessions

AP Exam Payment Information:

Below are details on how to pay for AP exams. Payment for all AP exams is due by April 16th. Avoid the rush, pay before Spring Break! 

  1. The fee for each AP exam is $95. 
  2. Students who qualify for a reduced exam fee pay $15/exam. (Details on eligibility: AP Exam Fee Reductions - AP Central | College Board) 
  3. Any payment made by check must be for the full amount. The check should be made out to Hammond High School and the student's name should appear on the “memo” line. Checks can be dropped at the front office. 
  4. Online payments can be accessed via Online Payments under Essential Applications on the HaHS homepage. There is a 4% handling fee for online payments. 
  5. Payment deadline is April 16th by 3 pm. If you decide not to take the exam after making a payment, there will be no cancellation fee and exam payment will be refunded. 

Questions? Please email Mrs. Cannon, AP Coordinator, at alison_cannon@hcpss.org 


How can I cancel my exam?

For in person exams email Ms. Cannon(alison_cannon@hcpss.org) 24hs before the start of the exam.  For digital exams just don’t log in.  All refunds will be processed in late June.

If a student decides to cancel, what is the fee?

For this year only, College Board is not charging cancellation fees. Students who paid and then do not participate in the exam will receive a full refund from their school.

How do I check if my registration is complete?

To participate in testing, the exam must be listed with the registered column showing “Yes” which means the student is registered with College Board AND the paid column showing “Yes” which means the student submitted a signed Naviance form and payment to Hammond Website https://osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=DA037

  • Login at https://www.hcpss.org/connect/  (Parent portal)
  • Select “More Options (Family File, Report Cards, etc.)” on the left menu
  • Select “AP Schedule”
  • Review the exams listed


How do I check the day and time of my exam?

Students can see the day and time of their exam in their AP Portal.

NOTE – This time is the actual start time of questions and DOES NOT include the mandatory 30min check-in for both digital and in person exams.

Students making an administration change should see their AP Portal updated within 48 hrs.


What Covid related measures will be in effect during testing?

 Students will be seated at their own 6ft table and at least 6ft from all other testers in the room.  Students and proctors will be required to wear a mask the entire time.  All tables will be sanitized after each exam. No food or drink is ever allowed during testing.  Outside of the building students will be responsible for their own behavior and comfort level.

What administration should self study students take? 

All self study students are currently scheduled for Administration 1.  If they would like to move to Administrations 2 or 3 they must email me no later than 4/23.

Where are exams administered? 

All digital exams will be taken outside of school.  All language and paper exams will be taken at school.  

Can a semester 2 student choose to use the semester 1 recommendation?

Yes, students can pick from any of the options listed for an exam. The AP Coordinator at each high school will provide details on how a student can select a different window.

How will the digital exam be different from the in person exam?

College Board has said that the rigor of both exam formats will be the same.  However the order, topic and number of questions might differ.  Here is a document from College Board that reviews these differences.  AP EXAM FORMAT INFORMATION

Will the digital exams be shorter than the in-person exams?

No. Digital AP Exams will be the same length as traditional paper and pencil AP Exams and include both multiple-choice and free-response questions (as always, AP Computer Science Principles remains a multiple-choice-only exam and AP Seminar remains a free-response-only exam). Some additional details on digital exams:

  • Digital exams can be taken on desktop or laptop computers and school-managed Chromebooks. Because they require typed free responses, they can’t be taken on smartphones.
  • Digital exams start at the same time worldwide. The exam timing is controlled by the exam app, not by you, the AP coordinator, or a proctor.
  • You won’t be able to return to questions you’ve answered or move back and forth between questions you haven’t answered.
  • If a digital exam is offered, there won’t be a paper and pencil version of the same exam offered in the same administration period.

Why are there no digital at home options for the language and music theory exams?

Security concerns with these types of exams require an in person administration. The following exams are only offered in-person: AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP French Language and Culture, AP German Language and Culture, AP Italian Language and Culture, AP Japanese Language and Culture, AP Latin, AP Music Theory, AP Spanish Language and Culture, or AP Spanish Literature and Culture. If a student cannot come in to participate for in-person administrations, the student can take the exam the following year. Seniors will be presented with options to participate in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). College Board will share the CLEP option directly with seniors later this spring.

What software will need to be installed to run the digital exam?

Please visit the AP Digital Testing App document for instructions on trying out the software that was released on April 8th. The AP Digital Testing App has been installed on all HCPSS Chromebooks. Students who choose to use a personal computer can manually install the software, but HCPSS cannot support personal devices for technical issues. Personal chromebooks, mobile devices, and iPads cannot be used. Seniors participating in AP exams will be able to keep their device until after the completion of digital exams.

Can a student try out the software before the exam?

Yes, practice tests will be available for all exams by April 12th. If a student plans to take a digital exam that requires the entry of mathematical formulas, practice with the equation editor within the application is recommended. Students will only see practice tests if they are registered within the AP Portal for the specific exam. Practice tests can be taken multiple times, but students have to reset the practice tests within their AP Portal account.

If a student chooses the at-home digital option and has a technical issue, what will happen?

Makeups for each assessment administration will be available. Makeup windows will be released later this spring.

How do I get an HCPSS Chromebook?

If you have not been assigned a HCPSS issued Chromebook, please call the front office to claim your device.  If you have been issued a Dell through HCPSS, you must return it in order to receive the Chromebook.