Updates to HCPSS Grading Policy

Grading Procedures 2020 - 2021

The HCPSS Grading Policy (8020) has been adjusted for this school year to reflect the transition to the semesterized 4x4 schedule and to promote student success and well-being. The final grade for each course will be calculated using only two marking period grades (or, for 0.5 credit classes, on only one marking period grade). No midterms or final exams will be administered. Final course grades will be posted on student's official high school transcript and used to calculate student's cumulative grade point averages as in previous years. 

View the Calculating Final Grades document to review how final grades are calculated for all courses. 

The first marking period ends on November 6, and teachers will post marking period grades by November 11th. Report cards will be issued electronically through HCPSS Connect on November 16th and can be viewed in Synergy.

View and monitor Canvas to see student's current grades. Please note that teachers may continue to enter grades through November 11th as assignments are graded and/or submitted (as applicable). Students are encouraged to attend the synchronous support sessions for each class period if they have questions or need additional assistance.