Update on School Schedule - July 31, 2020

Greetings Hammond Community,

We hope that you and your family have been enjoying a safe and restful summer.  We know that last spring was a whirlwind of change and a drastic shift from traditional school, but what is most important is that we finished out the school year and kept everyone safe!  As we look to the start of school there are a couple of important things that you need to know related to our calendar, distance learning, and student scheduling options.


First, please make sure you have noted the school system calendar changes. School begins for students on September 8, 2020.  The adjusted calendar is definitely an important bookmark for families.

Distance Learning

Schools will operate virtually for Semester 1.  The HCPSS will continue to monitor health and safety concerns as we plan to have students back in the building later in the year when it is deemed safe. At this time, fall sports have been delayed until at least September 8.  

Student Schedules (8th Course Required)

The student daily schedule incorporates a 4x4 semester schedule, which means that students will take 4 classes during the fall semester (September-January), then they will switch into 4 different courses for the spring semester (January-June). This new schedule allows students to take 8 courses per year, instead of the 7-course model that we have traditionally used. At this time, the scheduling system will enroll students into the 7 courses they requested and add one alternate course that students selected during the scheduling process last January.  Once the scheduling process is completed, HCPSS will release student schedules and there will be a DROP/ADD period in mid/late August during which students can work with their school counselor to make adjustments. At this time, I do not have that date to announce.  

  • I do want to share that our schedule has added additional sections for some of our most popular core courses and electives, which allows more students to receive their first choice courses (e.g.- computer science courses, food & nutrition, AP Psychology, CRD, and others). We have also been able to add additional courses that we have not been able to offer in the past.
  • The 4x4 schedule allows students who are in academic/performance based classes such as band, choir, orchestra, and intern/mentor a year-round experience.
  • The 4x4 schedule could also be used to accelerate students' progress through courses and programs, i.e. taking a PLTW course first semester and the next PLTW course second semester. Additionally, students could take Algebra 1 first semester and Geometry second semester, etc., to accelerate their math pathway or Theatre Arts I first semester and Theatre Company second semester to expand and grow in their theatre experience.

Howard Community College- Dual Enrollment/Jump Start

HCC will be teaching all classes virtually during the fall semester. If you would like to learn more about your student taking HCC classes at a reduced rate or with free tuition (income dependent), please click on the link below and leave your name and email and we will schedule a digital meeting in August to share more details. More information is available at Https://Hcpss.org/Jumpstart.

Click here to leave name if interested in more info 

Release Time

If you would like for your student to only carry 3 courses during the fall and/or spring semester, then we can lighten their load. Students in all grade levels have the option for Release Time for this upcoming year. You know your child best, how they learn, and what they are capable of. A form for release time will be available shortly.  Please have a conversation with your counselor about Release Time.


If you would like to speak to your counselor, please find email addresses below.

Alex Kosisky | School Counselor, ITL, A-Z, 9th grade | alexander_kosisky@hcpss.org

Ryan Fuentes | School Counselor, A - Em, 10-12 | ryan_fuentes@hcpss.org

Terrel Moss | School Counselor, Lan- P | Terrel_Moss@hcpss.org

Margaret Shomali | School Counselor, En - Lam, 10-12 | Margaret_Shomali@hcpss.org

Lisa Sivell | School Counselor, Q - Z, 10-12 | Lisa_Sivell@hcpss.org