Scheduling and Other Updates - August 11, 2020

Dear Hammond Community,

As you know our school year is just 1 month away and we are working hard to prepare for your virtual return. In order to support virtual learning, we are switching from a 7 period​, full year schedule to a 4 period,​ two semester schedule. This change in our schedule will allow students to focus on only 4 classes per semester. This also creates the opportunity for students to select an additional course for the 2020-2021 school year. I have created a narrated power point (attached) to share many of the scheduling options with you. Also, if you'd prefer, you can just click though the attached Power Point to receive the same information. 

In the next 2 weeks, students will receive a copy of their 8 confirmed classes for next year. If students/parents would like to make a change to their schedule, please contact your counselor as soon as possible. 

Video with Presentation narrated by Dr. DiPaula

Presentation without narration 

As you are thinking about your schedule and classes for next year, below are a few of the additional electives that we recently added. If none of the additional electives interest you, be sure to talk to your counselor about accelerating with an additional academic course, doubling up on fine arts, taking a Howard Community College class or release time.


John DiPaula, Ph.D



  • Speech
  • African American Literature (could pair with African American History)
  • Advanced Composition


  • AP Environmental

Social Studies

  • Macroeconomics AP
  • Microeconomics AP
  • Leadership 
  • Political Science
  • Law and the Citizen
  • Latin American Studies 
  • Women's Studies

HaHS Counselors

Alex Kosisky | School Counselor, ITL, A-Z, 9th grade   -

Ryan Fuentes | School Counselor, A - Em, 10-12     -

Terrel Moss | School Counselor, Lan- P      -

Margaret Shomali | School Counselor, En - Lam, 10-12    -

Lisa Sivell | School Counselor, Q - Z, 10-12      -