A message for the Class of 2021 from Student Services

Hammond Seniors,
Welcome class of 2021! The counselors wanted to send a quick hello and just a few reminders for this time of year. We hope you are staying safe and we miss you all and are here if you need us.

What to do right now? 

  • Think about what teachers you want to write your letter of recommendations. Remember, asking 2-3 teachers is good, you do not need to be asking more than that. If a school asks for 1 teacher and 1 counselor letter, then that means just 1 each.
  • Complete teacher information forms in Naviance, as well as the counselor information form.
  • Continue to research and gather information on each school you are interested in and what is required.
  • Be familiar with deadlines as they come out and are announced.
  • For a review of this information, watch the video presentation on the HaHS Student Resource Community page on Canvas.  It can be found under Student Services 11th grade lessons here. (Access to link requires student login to Canvas).

What's coming in the Fall? (September)


  • Counselors will virtually visit classes to discuss the College/Career process with seniors during the first or second week of school.
  • Counselors will schedule senior conferences virtually with students to discuss graduation, credits, and future plans.
  • Counselors are hoping to run a parent evening night for Senior Information.

Please let your counselor know if you have any questions!

Mr. Kosisky, 9th Grade, Alexander_Kosisky@hcpss.org 

Ms. Fuentes, A-Em, Ryan_Fuentes@hcpss.org 

Mrs. Shomali, En-Lam, Margaret_Shomali@hcpss.org 

Mr. Moss, Lan-P, Terrel_Moss@hcpss.org 

Mrs. Sivell Q-Z, Lisa_Sivell@hcpss.org


Hammond Student Services Team