HaHS Student Course Registrations for the 2020-2021 School Year

HaHS Student Course Registrations for the 2020-2021 School Year

Student courses should be delivered this evening to email addresses designated in the Synergy system.  HCPSS has worked to avoid conflicts with the various email providers, but if you do not receive an email from HCPSS_Notifications@hcpss.org, please check your SPAM/JUNK mail folder and verify your email address in Synergy.  At the same time, this is a good reminder to ask your parents/guardians to renew their Family File (guides)/HCPSS Connect information, which must be completed/updated every year.  

Once you receive the notification about your child's courses, parents/guardians and students should review together.  Please note the counselors are continuing to work on schedules throughout this process. Between August 17 - August 28, students can request changes to these courses and the changes, if possible, will be reflected in the final student schedule to be released before school begins on September 8th.  All requests for courses are dependent on class capacity and class period availability.  After the August window, schedule changes will be limited to incomplete schedules.  To request course registration changes (DROP/ADD), email the appropriate school counselor.  

Course registrations for the new school year were based on the seven courses assigned to students in the traditional schedule in the spring of 2020.  When HCPSS moved to the 4x4 scheduling model this summer, an eighth class was filled with an alternate that students had selected, or many students have reached out to counselors recently to update course selections.  The additional class available in the 4x4 schedule also created the opportunity to expand the elective selections at HaHS to include the following:


  • Speech
  • African American Literature (could pair with African American History)
  • Advanced Composition


  • AP Environmental

Social Studies

  • Macroeconomics AP
  • Microeconomics AP
  • Leadership 
  • Political Science
  • Law and the Citizen
  • Latin American Studies 
  • Women's Studies

9th Grader

9th Graders-Want to get ahead in Graduation Requirements? Want to get ahead in Math, World Language, or another core subject? Email Mr. Kosisky. Students can consider taking core classes semester 1, such as Math, and then taking the next level math class during semester 2. Or students can take two levels of language in one year. This 4x4 schedule is a great opportunity to get ahead in credits!

AP Seminar

In addition, for AP students who would like to have scheduled, graded time for study and AP preparation, we will offer an AP seminar course second semester.  This course will not be be content specific, but rather allow students scheduled time to work on AP prep using the AP Classroom and other review materials. This course offering is non-weighted, although attendance and grades will count.  Students who might select this course should be able to work independently in a structured setting. 

Release Time

Another opportunity for students is Release Time.  Students who would like to request Release Time (to drop one or more credits in order to work, attend classes at HCC or fulfill family responsibilities) may do so, as long as they have met the following criteria:

12th graders:  All graduation requirements are met, with the exception of courses the student is currently taking (up to two periods of Release Time each semester)
11th graders:  On track for graduation, with the exception of English 12 and other 12th grade classes (up to one period of Release Time each semester)
10th graders:  On track for graduation, no incomplete grades for Q4 in Spring 2020 (one period of Release Time per year)
9th graders:  Case by case basis only, not recommended (one period of Release Time per year)

If you are interested in Release Time, please complete the following form: HaHS Release Time (This is also the form for Work Release.)


Please note that our counselors have been diligently working all summer to make sure all students at HaHS have a balanced schedule. Due to the complexity of the new 4x4 schedule, you may not be able to make all the changes you desire.  We will try to satisfy each request to the best of our ability.  Working with individual families takes time, so we thank you ahead of time for your flexibility and patience. We will return your emails in the order we receive them. The turnaround time may take longer than usual. Also, please note that due to the virtual model there will be no teacher aides/lab assistants or front office aides this school year. Please make sure you send in your request for a schedule change ASAP. 


School Counselors:

Mr. Kosisky, 9th Grade, Alexander_Kosisky@hcpss.org 

Ms. Fuentes, A-Em, Ryan_Fuentes@hcpss.org 

Mrs. Shomali, En-Lam, Margaret_Shomali@hcpss.org 

Mr. Moss, Lan-P, Terrel_Moss@hcpss.org 

Mrs. Sivell, Q-Z, Lisa_Sivell@hcpss.org