January ARL Shadow Days

Did you miss Career Academy Shadow Days in November?

The ARL will hold another set of shadow days in January. Sophomores wanting more information about the academies at the ARL have an opportunity to experience the classes first hand.

Shadow Days are scheduled as follows:
January 8: AM Programs – Agricultural Science, Architecture, Automotive, Cybersecurity Operations, Graphic Design, PLTW – Aerospace Engineering, and Systems and Project Engineering
January 9: AM Programs: - Academy of Finance, Animation, Biotechnology, Computer Networking – Cyber, Construction, Homeland Security, and HVAC
January 9: PM Programs: Health Professions

Freshman only may attend the Early College Program in Cybersecurity on the morning of January 9th.

Permission slips for all shadow experiences are available in Student Services. Deadline to sign up is December 12th. Due to the need to coordinate bus transportation, NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE DEADLINE WILL BE MADE.