Attention Freshmen and Sophomores!

Did you miss attending Career Academy ARL shadow days in November?  Here’s another chance to visit the ARL in January.  It will not be too late to adjust your course selections for next year if you decide to enroll in an ARL academy.

January 30 (Snow date Feb. 6): AM Programs for Sophomores:  Computer Networking, Architectural Design, Automotive Technology, Systems and Project Engineering, Graphic Design, or Academy of Finance

January 31 (Snow date Feb. 7):  AM Programs for Sophomores– Construction Management, Biotechnology, Computer Essentials - Cybersecurity, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, or Animation and Interactive Media

January 31 (Snow date Feb. 7): PM Programs for Sophomores: Health Professions or Hotel and Restaurant Management


Freshman only may attend the Aerospace Engineering program or the Early College Program in Cybersecurity on the morning of February 1st (Snow date Feb. 8).  

Permission slips for all shadow experiences are available in Student Services.  Deadline to sign up is January 16th.